Search for A Domain:
A domain name (Web address) can have a maximum of 63 characters before the ".com," ".net," ".org," ".info," or ".biz" suffix. The name you choose may contain letters, numbers, and hyphens, but may not contain spaces or other punctuation. You may not begin or end the name with a hyphen.
Examples of acceptable domain names:
If you register a trademarked or copyrighted name, you may be approached by the legal owner of the name and asked to relinquish ownership. Please see our Domain Dispute Policies for more information on ownership disputes.
Once a domain name is registered, you can use it in any case: CAPITAL, lower, or MiXeD. For example, or [email protected].
Where to Start
If you're buying a name for a business, you'll probably want to try to get your company name or a variation of it. You might also look for a domain name that describes the products or services you offer. If you're shopping for a personal domain name, start by checking if your last name is available. If your family name is Smith and it's taken, try alternatives like or You might also try a nickname or a name related to your hobbies or where you live. The key is to pick a name you can identify with -- and a name that's still available.
To register a new domain name, enter the name in the search box below, choose an extension (".com," ".net," ".org," ".info," or ".biz"), and click the "Go" button.
Search for A Domain: